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Published on 3 April 2024

Top level sport in the Swiss Armed Forces

The Swiss Armed Forces (SAF) support federations and their athletes through various funding programmes to establish themselves in international top level sport, strengthen elite sport and enable long-term international success.

The Armed Forces offer the following funding opportunities:

3 April 2024

Top level sports RS 79

The concept of the Spitzensport-RS (military service / basic training) aims to optimally combine top-level sports with compulsory military service. With the help of this basic training the athletic build-up, the step to international success and the start of a professional career are being supported.

3 April 2024

Top level sports Refresh courses

The repetition courses (RC) should be used for specific preparation for international competitions (Olympic Games, World and European Championships) after completing the top-class sport RS.

3 April 2024

Temporary Military Employment

The Armed Forces support 18 top sportsmen and sportswomen with a 50% employment as Zeitmilitär (temporary military employment). Athletes who play an internationally dominant role in their sport can benefit from this employment. The ultimate goal is for the athlete to achieve a diploma or medal ranking at the Olympic Games.